“Al Sharq Strategic Research shares the mission of its umbrella organization, Al Sharq Forum, which aims to consolidate the values of pluralism and justice while developing long-term strategies and programs that contribute to the political development, economic prosperity, and social cohesion for the people of the Al Sharq region and the world.”
Featured Publications
Al Sharq Program on MENA Security
The collapse of the regional order has made the security failures of the Al Sharq Region ever more apparent. State failures, violent extremism,
Post-Oslo transformations in Palestinian Society
Since the 1993 Oslo Accords and the subsequent establishment of the Palestinian Authority, Palestinian society has witnessed major political,
Al Sharq program on Political Islam
Throughout the past four decades, researchers and analysts have written extensively on political Islam movements (PIMs) in an attempt to understand their ideology,

18oct16:0017:00Carnage in Gaza and Biden's lsrael Visit: What's next in the Middle East crisis?

Event Description
Speakers: Omar Rahman, Fellow at Middle East Council on Global Affairs Sarah Leah Whitson, Executive Director, DAWN Triestino Mariniello, professor of law at Liverpool John Moores University Moderator: Betül Doğan
Event Description
- Omar Rahman, Fellow at Middle East Council on Global Affairs
- Sarah Leah Whitson, Executive Director, DAWN
- Triestino Mariniello, professor of law at Liverpool John Moores University
Betül Doğan Akkaş, Middle East Expert
Date & Time:
18 October 2023
16:00-17:00 (Istanbul time)
Location: Zoom
(Wednesday) 16:00 - 17:00
Online - Zoom

17oct19:0020:00Gaza: Preventing a humanitarian disaster

Event Description
Speakers: Crispin Blunt, Member of Parliament (MP), Conservative Party, United Kingdom Daniel levy, President, the president of the US / Middle East Project (USMEP) Omar Shakir, The Israel
Event Description
- Crispin Blunt, Member of Parliament (MP), Conservative Party, United Kingdom
- Daniel levy, President, the president of the US / Middle East Project (USMEP)
- Omar Shakir, The Israel and Palestine Director at Human Rights Watch
Resul Serdar Ataş, Senior Correspondent, Al Jazeera
Date & Time:
17 October 2023
19:00-20:00 (Istanbul time)
Location: Zoom
(Tuesday) 19:00 - 20:00
Online - Zoom

10oct19:0020:00Palestine - Israel: Shattered status quo?

Event Description
Description On October 7, Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel. The scale, the nature, and geographic length of this attack was unprecedented. It has caught Israel and international community off
Event Description
On October 7, Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel. The scale, the nature, and geographic length of this attack was unprecedented. It has caught Israel and international community off guard. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu vowed a war as response. To demonstrate the gravity of this attack, many resorted to historical analogies. Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of Egypt and Syria’s 1973 attack on Israel, many drew parallel between this latest attack and the Yom Kippur war. Some even likened it to the events of 1948. Setting aside these historical precedents, one thing is already clear: The prevailing national, regional, and international status quo on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been fundamentally shattered. With it, the idea that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is no longer the core issue of regional politics in the Middle East and that the Arab-Israeli normalization can proceed with no regard to the Palestinian question. At this stage, it is crucial to disentangle how we have arrived and where we go from here.
- Wadah Khanfar, President of Al Sharg Forum
- Francesca Albanese, The UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine
- Fadi Quran, Campaign Director, Avaaz
- David Hearst, Editor in chief, Middle East Eye
Galip Dalay, Oxford Universitv
Date & Time:
10 October 2023
19:00-20:00 (Istanbul time)
Location: Zoom
(Tuesday) 19:00 - 20:00
Online - Zoom