The Final Nail in the Coffin of the Arab Order

The Arab League's silence over the Gulf crisis and inability to keep the GCC from splitting reflects a post-WWI regional order in its final throes If seen as a purely Arab affair, there is no [...]
The Arab League's silence over the Gulf crisis and inability to keep the GCC from splitting reflects a post-WWI regional order in its final throes If seen as a purely Arab affair, there is no [...]
Egyptian and Saudi academics are taking aim at Doha - but history teaches that the role of scholars is far from straightforward
It was the diaspora that incubated the Palestinian national movement - and they may just be the ones to fire it up again A few months ago, a group of Palestinians came up with the [...]
On 9 August 2016, Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg. Since Turkey was still preoccupied at the time with confronting Fethullah Gulen's organisation which was accused of carrying out [...]
Should the status quo under Bashar al-Assad be restored, Syria will witness an unprecedented programme of ethnic re-engineering Should the loss of Aleppo result in the end of the Syrian revolution, the outcome would be [...]
As is custom, several Turkish journalists accompanied Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his recent visits to Pakistan and Uzbekistan. On their way back, the president told the reporters on the plane that the Turkish people must deal [...]
On May 20–22, 2016, the “Islamist” Nahda Party of Tunisia held its Tenth General Conference. This is the party’s second conference since the triumph of the Tunisian revolution of December 2010 and the removal of Ben Ali’s regime in January 2011. The previous conference was held in July 2012, eight months after the elections of October 2011
The introduction of the European state model and collapse of the Ottoman Empire, not Islam, is at the root of regional violence today When we talk about the roots of political Islam, we can look [...]
From the ashes of the failed coup and a century of state soul searching, Turkey must use this moment to redefine itself once again. Before the start of the annual gathering of Turkey's Military Consultative [...]
The coup attempt not only targeted Turkey but was meant to put an end to the dynamic of democratic change in the region as a whole Two weeks ago, Turkey was subjected to a coup [...]