The Arab Uprisings have proved to be one of the most transformative developments in the broader Middle East and North Africa (MENA) since the end of colonialism in the region. They have created new domestic political as well as geopolitical realities, yet their repercussions went beyond this region and gained a global character. The fate of these uprisings is intimately interlinked with the process of democratization worldwide. As the Arab uprisings are a process, rather than a single event, their formative impacts on the societies, states and regional system in the Middle East are ongoing and far-reaching.
Arab Uprisings Papers
27jan17:0018:30The Arab Spring: 10 Years On
Event Description
The legacy of the Arab uprisings, ten years on since they erupted across the region, has been mixed. The journey towards democratization remains slow and there have been modest political,
Event Description
(Wednesday) 17:00 - 18:30 TSİ
Online - Zoom
Chatham HouseChatham House
Speakers for this event
Wadah Khanfar
Wadah Khanfar
President of The Al Sharq Forum
Wadah Khanfar is the President of the Al Sharq Forum and former Director General of the Al Jazeera Network. He is a board member of the International Crisis Group and Global Editors Network (GEN). Khanfar has been named as one of Foreign Policy’s Top 100 global thinkers of 2011 as well as one of Fast Company’s ‘Most Creative People in Business’ of the year.
President of The Al Sharq Forum
Lurdes Vidal Bertran
Lurdes Vidal Bertran
Director of the Arab and Mediterranean World Department, IEMed
Director of the Arab and Mediterranean W...
Kristina Kausch
Kristina Kausch
Senior Resident Fellow at The German Marshall Fund of the United States\' (GMF) Brussels office
Kristina Kausch is a Senior Resident Fellow at The German Marshall Fund of the United States' (GMF) Brussels office. Her research focuses on Europe’s relations with the Middle East and North Africa, and political transformations in the Arab world. Prior to joining GMF, she was a non-resident associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the head of its Middle East program, and research coordinator at FRIDE. She has edited three books and published articles in academic journals.
Senior Resident Fellow at The German Mar...
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen
Rice University\'s Baker Institute for Public Policy & Associate Fellow, Chatham House.
Rice University\'s Baker Institute for P...
Tarek Megerisi
Tarek Megerisi
Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations
Policy Fellow, European Council on Forei...
04feb14:0016:00The Arab Uprisings, a Decade on: A New Reality or a New Snapshot?
Event Description
Undoubtedly, the Arab Uprisings have proved to be one of the most transformative developments in the broader Middle East and North Africa (MENA) since the end of colonialism in
Event Description
This public webinar aims to take stock of the Arab uprisings and set out to address the following questions: What are the features of the ‘new reality’ in the Middle East? How did these Uprisings expose the systematic and socio-political illnesses and malformations in the MENA region? And to what extent this experience informed the ongoing debate on democracy worldwide? What do these uprisings tell us about the nature of the state and regional system in the Middle East? What lessons should we draw from these processes?
(Thursday) 14:00 - 16:00
Online - Zoom
Speakers for this event
Wadah Khanfar
Wadah Khanfar
President of The Al Sharq Forum
Wadah Khanfar is the President of the Al Sharq Forum and former Director General of the Al Jazeera Network. He is a board member of the International Crisis Group and Global Editors Network (GEN). Khanfar has been named as one of Foreign Policy’s Top 100 global thinkers of 2011 as well as one of Fast Company’s ‘Most Creative People in Business’ of the year.
President of The Al Sharq Forum
Dr. Larbi Sidiki
Dr. Larbi Sidiki
Professor of Arab Democratization at Qatar University
Professor of Arab Democratization at Qat...
Dr. John Keane
Dr. John Keane
Professor of Politics at the University of Sydney
Professor of Politics at the University ...